Posted in Motivational Corner

Stage Fright – lets flush it down the drain.

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Stage fright is a problem that is found among the rich, poor, fat, thin, good looking and bad looking alike, so it really is a problem that doesn’t respect status, or gender. It doesnt mind whether you are the daughter of a pastor, or an usher, or you got cash in your pocket. Whether at home or in a podium. *STAGE FRIGHT DOESN’T CARE. ALL IT CARES ABOUT IS TO DISGRACE YOU AT EVERY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY IT HAS.*
Stage fright is very common among singers, keyboardists, pianists, teachers and a lot of others. It affects all profession that has to do with facing crowds or becoming the spot light.
Stage fright is a situation whereby one is afraid to sing, play, stand, talk or seat in front of a little or large audience or simply defined, it’s the refusal to be the spot light in any place and at any time.

The signs that follow stage fright are:
*1.* Loud and fast heart beat while singing or talking before an audience.
*2.* Visible vibration/tension in the body while standing, singing, acting or playing an instrument before an audience.
*3.* Stammering or stuttering voice while singing, acting, playing an instrument, standing or talking before an audience.
 Have you once noticed that after practicing a piece in your closet perfectly for hours you will go out there and discover you can’t even play or sing it again, sometimes your fingers start shaking on it’s own or sometimes you will just completely forget the lines.


1.* The best way to overcome your fears is to learn to face your fears. Stop avoiding crowds rather start looking for such opportunities.

2.* Believe in yourself. If you continue to feel you are incapable because you are not the best then you might never grow out of stage fright. You don’t need to be the best singer, or instrumentalist, all you need do is believe in yourself.

3.* Train yourself into perfection. In order to be confident enough to face crowds you need to train yourself to the point where you can look at yourself and say, ”I can really sing”, ”I have a good voice”, ”I can really play this drums”, ” now I can play this keyboard”. Untill you are good enough in your own eyes you will never be confident enough to face even that small crowd.

4.* Stop trying to be a perfectionist. You need to know that there’s nothing wrong in making mistakes. You need to also be able to accept the possibility of you making mistakes. Perfect people are not those that have never failed but those that refuse to let their failures make them failures by not stoping right where they failed.

5.* Stop seeing your audience as your enemies who are looking out for your mistakes but smile and relate with them looking into their eyes as friends and family members.

6.* Don’t try to hide your physical faults, rather accept your faults. And don’t focus now on what people think about it, but focus rather on what God says about it.

7.* Focus on your strength and abilities, not on your weaknesses. In order words, when ever you want to face the crowd try not to do what you are not good at, but rather on what you are good at.

*8.* Stop imagining yourself failing rather start to imagine yourself making impact into the lives of your audience.
Not about the mistakes you made, but about how the little part you got transformed and blessed someone out there in the audience. This should be our focus.

9.* Stop scaring yourself with thoughts of what might go wrong rather think about things that are re-assuring, about how some one would be blessed as a result of your ministration.

10.* Never depend on drugs to help reduce tension rather learn to create a communicating relationship with your audience first of all by laughing and playing with ur audience like you would do to your friends before telling them something.

11.* Always spend lots of time to prepare very well before climbing the stage.

12.* Visualize your success and if you are born again, you should be confident in the fact that you have God dwelling in you. Knowing that it’s not by power nor by might but by His spirit.


Writer, avid reader, love living life to the fullest.

12 thoughts on “Stage Fright – lets flush it down the drain.

  1. It really depends on my audience tbh. I’m completely fine with anyone younger than me and completely fine with people my age that I’m comfortable with. Sometimes even if I’m not, I just ace presentations and speeches. I don’t know how. But SOMETIMES for some reason whenever I say something in class, I just idk I get so much anxiety over it and it’s so annoying xD


    1. I really get what you’re saying. But you have no choice but to work on it. You just always have to relax, if it helps pretend they are a bunch of little kids. Ha ha


  2. I find speaking in large or small crowds extremely nerve wrecking. No matter how much I practice and even if I have the script right in my hand, once I meet the eyes of my audience, I get tongue tied. I’m fine with one on one conversations, but it’s something about a large crowd staring at me that gets to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s exactly stage fright. I hope any of the tips I have written to conquer stage fright serves as a help in anyway.
      You don’t have to look at their eyes. For me, I look above their heads. You should too.
      Thanks for taking time to read this post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Really useful tips. This is something I’m currently working on – just to speak in groups of friends, I don’t even get on stage or anything haha!

    Liked by 1 person

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